Saturday 21 June 2008

Naomi Campbell - A Role Model For Saturday Nights

How many young women in towns across the land will tonight assault police officers, spit at them, behave in a disorderly way and use threatening words and behaviour towards them?

Having been arrested and convicted of this behaviour I wonder how many will then be given a custodial sentence. If they are they can count themselves very unlucky, given that Campbell escaped with community service despite having been arrested and convicted of assault on several previous occasions, and having attended anger management classes after one such conviction.

Is it her ability to buy herself out of trouble that has kept her out of prison, or (like that other waste of space Pete Doherty) is it her fame that helps guarantee her liberty?

Perhaps the next time Ms Campbell is in a public place needing protection from the paparazzi, the police should decline to assist, citing the likelihood of their safety being compromised.

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