Sunday 28 June 2009

Meanwhile In The Downing Street Bunker...

In the last few weeks, in populist moves bordering on the pathetic, the unelected Prime Minister has expressed his concern about the health of Susan Boyle & his spokesman said on Friday that Brown's thoughts were with Michael Jackson's family.

A Sunday Times/YouGov poll, published on 14th June shows that 74% think Brown is doing badly as Prime Minister, 80% think the economy is in a bad way and 43% fear that a close member of their family will lose their job. Personally, I have never known the country to be so angry and fearful of the future yet the Prime Minister can find time to issue statements about American citizens.

Perhaps the country wouldn't be in such a state if Brown turned his thoughts to rebuilding this country instead of trying to appear to be a man with his finger on the pulse of pop culture.