Monday, 1 October 2007

Big Brother IS Watching You

Today the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 became law.

So what, you may ask.

This law demands that data about every telephone call made or received in this country has to be stored for 12 months and be made available, without a warrant or other legal document, to any one of 652 different public bodies, including every local authority in the land, the Environment Agency, the Inland Revenue and the Post Office, and others shown on the link below:

Quite why the Post Office or the tax man wants to know who I've been talking to is beyond me.

And don't forget that mobile phone data includes information about your location when you were on your mobile.

Despite the government's claims, this has nothing to do with defeating terrorism, but has everything to do with the state's ongoing attempts to control its citizens

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

iv got to agree with you there. we are sliding towards a totalitarian socialist society by the back door. 30 day detention, the smoking ban, and now state endorsed espionage. before we know it if comrade brown gets his way the home office will be renamed the ministry of love, the ministry of defense the ministry of love, the chancellery the ministry of plenty, and the press office the ministry of enlightenment!